So long, Shareholder Rule ─ What this means for companies and shareholders
Government of British Columbia proposes amendments to the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
L’IAMC adopte de nouvelles règles d’arbitrage, qui sont entrées en vigueur le 1er mars 2025
The ADR Institute of Canada adopts new arbitration rules, effective March 1, 2025
The impact of lower interprovincial trade barriers on Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector
BC Court of Appeal refuses pre-certification stay of duplicative claim
Reasonable apprehension of bias on the part of one arbitrator taints the panel – Court of Appeal for Ontario
BC Supreme Court affirms freedom of expression no excuse for defamation without legal justification or excuse
Parallel proceedings: Reminders on the importance of regulatory mandates and the impact on judicial review applications
Under-regulated or completely unregulated?
An illustration of the importance of expert evidence in professional negligence claims
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