Class action privacy breach trial: How internal employee policies and early notification impact later litigation
Common law enforceability of ricochet judgments: The ONCA decision in HMB Holdings v Antigua
A floodgate of correctness? The Supreme Court of Canada creates a new category of correctness in judicial review
Words, words, words … are not enough to constitute reasons. The Alberta Court of Appeal puts administrative decision makers on notice in recent judicial review case
La tricherie dans les sports électroniques et les jeux vidéo
Cheating in e-sports and video games
How one decision illustrates the importance of timely pre-hearing motions
If you don’t plead it, you can’t appeal it: Ontario Court of Appeal confirms you can’t raise new theory of defence on environmental contamination appeal
Claims against auditors may survive liquidation plans under Saskatchewan’s Business Corporations Act
Sursis d’exécution accordé en partie : les sanctions imposées par l’Ordre des chiropraticiens du Québec étaient trop sévères
Application for a stay of execution granted in part due to severe sanctions imposed by the order of chiropractors of Québec
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