Ontario Superior Court Confirms Hacked Companies are not “Intruding” on Anyone’s Seclusion
Overlapping class actions: To stay or not to stay?
Wine not use a competitor’s trademark to promote your own lower-priced alternative?
Supreme Court of Canada provides insight for drafting and interpreting releases in Corner Brook (City) v. Bailey
Recent Ontario Court decision confirms presumption on pre-certification motions sequencing: Implications for class actions
Intrusion upon seclusion is not concerned with dissemination: No privacy breach where lawfully obtained information used to terminate employee
Climate Change Litigation and Disclosure Requirements: Recent Developments in Canada
The Trend Towards New Privacy Torts – Alberta Weighs In
As private lives are increasingly digitized, Canadian courts continue to expand their recognition of common law privacy torts. The latest […]
CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT: Commercial forum selection clauses and the importance of surrounding circumstances
In the decision of Loan Away Inc. v. Facebook Canada Ltd.[1], the Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the enforceability of […]
All in the family (business): Abuse of process by re-litigation in commercial and estates proceedings
Ontario Superior Court of Justice Amends Issue Date of Statement of Claim after Failure of Duty by Court Staff
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