Welch v. Peel Standard Condominium Corp. No. 755, 2013 ONSC 7611 (discoverability and adding a party after the expiration of a limitation period)
Ali v. O-Two Medical Technologies, 2013 ONCA 733 (discoverability of anticipatory breach)
Supreme Court defers to Securities Commission on the Interpretation of Limitation Periods in Secondary Proceedings
CJSC “Sankokr-Moskva” v. Tradeoil Management Inc., 2013 ONSC 7487 (limitation period to amend statement of claim)
Securities regulators propose amendments to oil & gas disclosure standards
msi Spergel Inc. v. I.F. Propco Holdings (Ontario) 36 Ltd., 2013 ONCA 550 (statutory variation of time limits, s. 20)
UPDATE: Zungui Class Action Settlements against Remaining Defendants Approved by Court
Class Action Decision Considers Secondary Market Misrepresentation Actions
Court Affirms Standard of Review for Decisions of Securities Commissions is Reasonableness
UPDATE: Proposed Class Action Based on Offering Document Misrepresentations Certified for Purposes of Settlement
Class Proceeding against Investment Advisor, Firm and Trustee Certified at the Expense of Individualized Causes of Action
Background Verbeek was an investment advisor and, at some relevant times, a registered representative of the defendant Dundee Securities Corporation […]
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