Tarion Warranty Corporation and New Millennium Homes Inc., 2013 ONSC 4339 (discoverability of indemnity claim)
Indcondo Building Corp. v. Sloan, 2010 ONCA 890 (discoverability in a fraudulent conveyance action brought by a creditor)
Sandro Steel Fabrication Ltd. v. Chisea, 2013 ONCA 434 (s. 11, Attempted Resolutions)
Shtaif v. Toronto Life Publishing, 2013 ONCA 405 (Limitation Period for “Recaptured” Libel Claims subject to limitation period contained in s. 6 of the Libel and Slander Act)
Lewis v. Weismiller Lumber Limited, 2013 ONSC 2400 (s. 5, Discoverability)
Canaccord Capital Corp. v. Roscoe, 2013 ONCA 378 (Contractual Indemnity Subject to Limitation Period under s. 18)
Sandro Steel Fabrication Ltd. v Chiesa, 2013 ONSC 658 (s. 11, Attempted Resolutions)
Toronto Standard Condominium Corp. No. 1789 v. Tip Top Lofts Development Inc., 2011 ONSC 7181 (s. 11, Attempted Resolutions)
Sharma v Timminco, 2012 ONCA 107, Green v. CIBC, 2012 ONSC 3637, Silver v. Imax Corp., 2012 ONSC 4881 and Trustees of the Millwright Regional Council of Ontario Pension Trust Fund v. Celestica Inc., 2012 ONSC 6083 (s.19, Other Acts, etc.)
Hare v Hare (2006), 83 OR (3d) 766 (Ont. CA) (s. 24, Transition Provisions)
Duchesne v. St. Denis, 2012 ONCA 699 (Discoverability, s. 5)
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