Dark times for “Dark Patterns”? Epic Games settles over unauthorized micro-transactions and user interface trickery (sort of)
Failure to plead Montreal Convention means air passenger class action is out of time
Court of Appeal for Ontario Reiterates Narrow Application of Rule 21.01(1) for Limitations Issues
It’s the construction bond that binds… so long as equity agrees
Avoiding misconduct: Professionals must consider conflicting interests prior to joining organizations
Overlapping proceedings causes consortium to lose carriage fight: A case comment on Buis v Keurig Canada Inc
Alberta Court of Appeal clarifies stay applications pending appeal from administrative proceedings
Limitation of Actions With Respect to Claims of Professional Negligence Where Counsel’s Litigation Strategy is Impugned
No notice? No claim! A primer on the importance of giving notice of claims under your construction contract
No secret note passing – Alberta Court of Appeal confirms full disclosure in judicial review
Ontario Court of Appeal holds that substance trumps form in concluding that financing agreement offended criminal rate of interest prohibition
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